Time To Get Personal

Hello, everyone! I was tagged by Amber at My Life in Limbo to answer some personal questions!

Thank you to Amber for tagging me in her post! Amber tagged me and 10 other bloggers to answer questions that she answered herself. I love these types of tags because it helps bloggers get to know new bloggers.

These are the rules:
Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you.
Nominate 11 other bloggers (with under 200 followers.)
Ask your nominees 11 questions.
Let them know that you have nominated them!

I tag:
Em Jane

Now, I understand that not all of these bloggers have under 200 followers and I may have tagged them in other tags but I believe that there is always something to write about in these posts!

1. Where is your favorite place to go when you're feeling down or  disconnected?
My favorite place to go when I am feeling down or disconnected is the park in my town. There are tons of trails that I can walk on and there's a river that has a lot of ducks swimming around. There are some places where it is shady and full of trees and there are some places where it is completely sunny. I love this place because it helps me to calm down and I can think without so much distraction.

2. Besides blogging, what is your favorite hobby?
My favorite hobby is reading! I love to read and I have an aspiration to fill my bookshelf completely! It sounds like a boring hobby, but I love to go searching in book shops for books!

3. What have you learned about yourself while blogging?
I learned that I am capable of writing about things that I want to write about. I have learned that I need to be more patient with the blog because this blog will take time in order for it to be the way that I want it.

4. What is a favorite quote of yours?
"Yes you bloody well can!" It is a great reminder to me to just keep on doing what I need to do!

5. What is your favorite television show?
This is very hard for me to pick! I love The Office (US Version)!  If you have not seen The Office, there is a UK version and a US version and I believe both are on Netflix.

6. What is the blog post that you are most proud of? Why?
19 Things I Learned at 19  is the post that I am most proud. I am most proud of this post because it was the first post meant a lot to me. I originally wanted to write this type of post on my birthday but, instead I wrote it after the Manchester Arena attacks. When I read this post, it makes me think of the events that I have experienced from then to now and that I need to remember them more.

7. What are you grateful for?
I am grateful for so many things. I am grateful for the ability to go to college. I am grateful that I can write on this blog. I am grateful for my job and the opportunities I have received because of my job. I am grateful for my dogs because they are my true best friends. I am grateful for my parents because they do so much for me. I am grateful for my siblings. I am grateful for my friends that I have made while at college and my friends that I have kept since high school.

8. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I wanted to get my word out there in the beauty/lifestyle/fashion world. I do not know how much of an impact I can make but I hope there can at least some of a positive impact. I also started it in my Civil War History class in April because there were a lot of changes happening in my life and I thought that this would be a positive change and so far it has been!

9. What is your guilty pleasure?
Chocolate. Horror movies. Sephora. Ulta. New Balance tennis shoes. Zoella Beauty products.

10. What is one new thing you've started doing lately?
I have started eating a healthier breakfast. Before, all I would have is just either a coffee or tea. I would take it in a travel mug to class every morning. Now, I eat something healthy like yogurt or oats with some fruit and with a coffee or tea.

11. What do you love about your life?
I love the small town vibes. I love being the youngest sibling. I love my close family trips. I love my school. I love my room. (I am currently crying about answering this question because I love everything and it is very difficult to put into words.)

Here are my questions for those tagged above:
1. What type of posts do you like to write about?
2. What was the reason why you started blogging?
3. Do you have any pets?
4. If there is any place you could live in the world, where would it be?
5. What was the last movie you saw?
6. Have you traveled anywhere recently?
7. Who is your biggest inspiration?
8. What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
9. Is there any one close to you that knows about your blog?
10. Do you have any TV show obsession?
11. What is your favorite book?

Thank you so much for reading!
<3 That Autumn Girl .


  1. I love chocolate and horror movies too, but I don't feel too guilty about liking them 😉 Great post, it was so much fun to read! And I love both versions of the Office too. They're both brilliant, just in different ways!

    1. Thank you! The Office is one of my favorite shows ever!

  2. I think 'yes you bloody well can' may now be my favourite quote as well, everyone should love their life by that! Have you got Bloglovin so I can follow you!

    Alybell | UK Personal Style and Beauty Blog

    1. I glad you like it! And yes it do! I will follow you on there!


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